복자 정약종 아우구스티노 한인 성당
:::천주교 캔자스시티 대교구 한인성당:::
Korean Catholic Community of KS
:: Blessed Jeong, YakJong Augustine Korean Catholic Community
9130 Haskins St, Lenexa, KS 66215
성당: 9130 Pflumm Rd. Lenexa KS 66215
교육관: 8901 Haskins St. Lenexa, KS 66215
사제관: 8903 Haskins St. Lenexa, KS 66215
네비게이션에서 성당 검색시 Holy Trinity Parish 사무실 주소인
9150 Pflumm Rd. Lenexa KS 66215
으로 하시면 성당에 찾아오시기 편합니다.
Parish Mail Address: 8903 Haskins st. Lenexa, KS 66215
미사시간 안내
주 일(Sunday Mass): 11:00 AM
화요일(Tuesday Mass): 8:00 PM
맨하탄(Manhattan) 공동체 미사: 주보 공지
고해성사(Reconciliation)는 매 미사 30분 전에 있음
주일학교 교리: 주일 오전 10시 ~10시 30분
성당 출입안내
마스크 착용(선택)
한인 성당 건물의 역사
In the fall of 1906 Holy Trinity Parish increased to about sixty families. They felt they could now support a resident pastor. Fr. Herberichs, pastor of St. Joseph and Holy Trinitydiscussed the matter with Bishop Thomas F. Lillis and permission was granted.
Fr. Herberichs was appointed as first resident pastor. A pastor’s house was soon built at a nominal cost. After three years, Fr. Herberichs, owing to illness, went to Europe to regain his health. Fr. A.J. Blaufuss took charge of the parish in his absence. In 1910 Fr. J.A. Haefele was appointed pastor by Bishop Lillis.
Due to the growth of the parish at this time the little frame church, built in 1892, was becoming too small. The decision was made to build a stone church. The excavation work was done by the parishioners in order to keep the cost to a minimum. The stone was donated by Mr. & Mrs. M. Zahner and was hauled into the building site by the men of the parish.
In the spring of 1911 the corner stone was laid by Bishop John Ward. The church was completed in the fall of 1911 at the cost of $16,000 and was dedicated by Bishop Ward on Thanksgiving Day of that year. Following the dedication services a turkey dinner was served to the bishop, visiting clergy and parishioners in the basement of the church.